About Us
The South Dakota Rabbit Breeders Association is a group that has a common love of rabbits, competition and friendships made through our hobby. Our goal is to promote rabbits and rabbit breeders to youth and other individuals interested in our hobby in South Dakota and throughout the nation.
Affiliated SDRBA clubs host rabbit open and youth shows across South Dakota. The SDRBA and an affiliated club host a State Convention each fall in rotating locations. The State Convention is shows, open and youth awards, food and lots of fun. Our show system is currently set up to pick a Best and Runner-up Four Class Rabbit along with a Best and Runner-up Six Class Rabbit to compete for Best and Reserve in Show.
Our membership is a dedicated group of rabbit breeders and promoters always willing to step up and help individuals with their rabbit projects as well as working at our shows to make them fun and successful for the exhibitors. Many of our members help with their local 4-H rabbit projects as well as showing successfully at the National ARBA conventions. Great people - Great hobby!!!
Interested in joining us? Click here to see our application.
October 05, 2014 by Stephanie
The points for 2013-2014 are currently up on the points page, for both Youth and Open.
Next year's SDRBA state convention will be held by the East River club on the second weekend of October, which is the 10th and 11th.
November 04, 2013 by Stephanie
Hello everybody, just heard that people are having issues contacting me with information they want posted on the website. If anyone ever needs to get a hold of me, you can e-mail me at steph@sdrba.org. This is where you can send pictures you might want added to the site, or club information if you want it on your club page.